Ground Items

Not all fireworks go in the air, shocking but true and still provide a great amount of entertainment. Just check out what we did with a few dozen Hen Laying Eggs and Cock Crowing At Dawn and I believe you will agree that fun on the ground is as much fun in the sky. Many classic Novelties are Ground Items that we all loved as kids, don’t miss a chance to enjoy making memories, smiles and even a few laughs. 

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Quick View Buzz Balls

Buzz Balls

Fantastic! These small items are sure to surprise. They start as a spinner then dart off skyward with a zipping noise. Featuring 40 packs of 6 when sold. Little but strong!
Quick View Cock Crowing At Dawn 24 Pack

Cock Crowing At Dawn 24 Pack

This crazy rooster emits showers of multi-colored sparks and finishes with some of the loudest whistles you have ever heard out of an item of this size! Bound to wake all up near by! Including 24 in every pack. From Dominator Fireworks
Quick View Cock Crowing At Dawn Single

Cock Crowing At Dawn Single

This crazy rooster emits showers of multi-colored sparks and finishes with some of the loudest whistles you have ever heard out of an item of this size! Bound to wake all up near by! From Dominator Fireworks
Quick View Crusher Truck

Crusher Truck

Look out for this monster truck as it takes down anything in the way. This truck moves forward with whistle and emits red and green color stars, then moves back. Great for kids who love trucks! This awesome firework is bought to you by Dominator...
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