Ground Items

Not all fireworks go in the air, shocking but true and still provide a great amount of entertainment. Just check out what we did with a few dozen Hen Laying Eggs and Cock Crowing At Dawn and I believe you will agree that fun on the ground is as much fun in the sky. Many classic Novelties are Ground Items that we all loved as kids, don’t miss a chance to enjoy making memories, smiles and even a few laughs. 

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Quick View Pro Strobe Xl 3 Pack

Pro Strobe Xl 3 Pack

A super intense ground strobe that lasts over 1 minute. It's blinding! It's just like the pros! This awesome firework is bought to you by Dominator Fireworks which are China's Best!
Quick View Race Car 2 Pack

Race Car 2 Pack

Team Dominators Race Car 2 Pack is so Fast All You Will See is Sparks and Flames as They Wizz by! Each of the cars will speed away than speed right back again. A lot of fun to watch and race! This awesome firework is bought to you by Dominator Fireworks...
Quick View Shogun Disco Flash

Shogun Disco Flash

Just like the pros they use flash pot during displays. Featuring bright colorful flashing lights with a great package. Enough to last awhile with 40 packs of 6! That's enough flash pot to keep anyone happy!
Quick View Tortoise 2 Pack

Tortoise 2 Pack

Tortoise moves along the ground emitting silvery sparks, then stops and lays red, green and blue eggs! Supper cute an item that all kids are bound to love! From Dominator Fireworks
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