Ground Items

Not all fireworks go in the air, shocking but true and still provide a great amount of entertainment. Just check out what we did with a few dozen Hen Laying Eggs and Cock Crowing At Dawn and I believe you will agree that fun on the ground is as much fun in the sky. Many classic Novelties are Ground Items that we all loved as kids, don’t miss a chance to enjoy making memories, smiles and even a few laughs. 

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Quick View Dominator Tanks

Dominator Tanks

The classic toy! Our tanks are top performers and have great graphics. Featuring as it moves forward and sprays sparks out the front. Great for all ages!
Quick View Eco Strobe Single 10/1

Eco Strobe Single 10/1

A small pack of strobes that are sure to impress the crowd without leaving any large garbage behind! There are 10 eco strobes per package, a variety of colors! Great for kids and adults!
Quick View F-116 Fighter Jet

F-116 Fighter Jet

This jet is loaded with heavy ammo of red missiles and white hot strobing stars. Great for anyone who likes jets and fireworks! This awesome firework is bought to you by Dominator Fireworks which are China's Best!
Quick View Land Mines 3 Pack

Land Mines 3 Pack

Watch your step! This land mine is everything you want in a crackling ground mine! When this land mine goes off it throws sparks and crackle a long way! Look out for this 3 -pack of land mines! From Dominator Fireworks
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