Reloadable Artillery Shells

Reloadable Artillery Shells are the consumer equivalent of what professionals use in large public shows. Each kit comes with a number of shells (6-24) usually, and a number of launch tubes (1-12).  These give you the largest breaks allowed by law with most shells having 60 grams in each shell. With the wide variety of effects found in shells, and the fact that most of these fit our consumer Mortar Racks, you can do a show just as good as the pros.

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Quick View Poly Pack Black Box Ball Shells 6 Pack

Poly Pack Black Box Ball Shells 6 Pack

Put a little more pyro power into your display with the artillery shell 6 pack, a super cool firework that will get the crowded revved up. Incorporate into your Independence Day show or New Years Eve blow-out or even just set one off for fun! These...
Quick View Poly Pack Cylinder Artillery Shell

Poly Pack Cylinder Artillery Shell

Put a little more pyro power into your display with the DOMINATOR CRACKLING CYLINDER SHELLS 6 pack, a super cool firework that will get the crowded revved up. Incorporate into your Independence Day show or New Years Eve blow-out or even just set off for...
Quick View Pro Ox Mini Max Canister Shells 12 Pack

Pro Ox Mini Max Canister Shells 12 Pack

Slightly smaller then a full sized 60g canister shell but with almost all the power. This is a new product that combines great performance at a reasonable cost. A huge variety of unique effects inside the reloadable artillery. Containing 12 shells of...
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