Diwali Fireworks

Our collection of Diwali fireworks follows tradition with mostly Fountains but also has a few Aerial Items included because variety is the spice of life. Allow US to celebrate with your family for Diwali next year, grab our personal favorite the Diwali Bundle.

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Quick View Cock Crowing At Dawn 24 Pack

Cock Crowing At Dawn 24 Pack

This crazy rooster emits showers of multi-colored sparks and finishes with some of the loudest whistles you have ever heard out of an item of this size! Bound to wake all up near by! Including 24 in every pack. From Dominator Fireworks
Quick View Crazy Cracklers 6 Pack

Crazy Cracklers 6 Pack

Small size but a super big performance. These are super long lasting and have a loud crackling and banging effect, and plenty of sparks. They are a great value! Including 6 in every package. From Dominator Fireworks
Quick View Crusher Truck

Crusher Truck

Look out for this monster truck as it takes down anything in the way. This truck moves forward with whistle and emits red and green color stars, then moves back. Great for kids who love trucks! This awesome firework is bought to you by Dominator...
Quick View Cuckoo Fountain

Cuckoo Fountain

This fountain will make you go cuckoo! Featuring red, green, gold and white changing showers of glittering sparks with loud whistles. Contains 6 fountains in every package for even more fun! From Blast Wave Fireworks
Quick View Cup Of Joe

Cup Of Joe

Get this big Cup of Joe! This coffee is explosive with energy and effects. Including gold titanium crackle, red and green pearls, and a massive crackle finale. One steamy pyrotechnic brew that is bound to impress. from Mad Ox Fireworks
Quick View Dancing Butterfly

Dancing Butterfly

These three little fountains are short and sweet. Including stars as a fountain, ends with a surprise burst of ground spinners. Watch as the butterflies dance! From Dominator Fireworks
Quick View Dante'S Peak

Dante'S Peak

A long lasting fountain featuring silver and color sparks and whistles. A great item for any display! Much larger than any other regular fountain.  From Dominator Fireworks
Quick View Delicious Delight Fountain

Delicious Delight Fountain

Lasting over 1 minute, this fountain has it all with color, whistles, crackle, and silver spray. Enjoy each of the different effects as it changes from one to another! From Dominator Fireworks
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