SW-3004 These Super Saiyan 60 gram Canister shells are over 9000 in quality. Inside this package, you will receive 24 shells of the highest quality sporting beautiful colors with 24 different effects. Each effect was picked for its great performance with massive spread across the sky and vibrant colors. Grab these incredible 4in Super Saiyan shells while supplies last.
1. Lemon and blue pearls
2. Orange, red, blue pearls with green strobes
3. Gold titanium willow with sky blue pistil
4. Sky blue to grass green
5. Silver titanium willow to blue pearl and red strobes
6. Purple, green, lemon, and red
7. Orange, red and green strobes
8. Gold silk chrysanthemum to blue pearl and green strobes
9. Green to red with blue pearls
10. Silver titanium willow with red plum and white strobes
11. Gold titanium willow to blue pearl and green strobes
12. Red and green peony with crackling
13. Cyanine purple pearls to yellow strobes
14. Gold brocade crown willow with crackling
15. Brocade crown to sky blue
16. Cyanine pink peony
17. Grass green with pink pearls
18. Neon orange white strobes
19. Gold strobes to willow with blue pearls green strobes
20.Titanium gold leaves to blue pearl
21. Lemon and pink to blue pearls
22. Silver strobe willow with red green sky blue pearls
23. Blue leaves to red strobe
24. Violet peony
Sold out or want some extra effects to check out Excalibur shells. Only need 12 shells? Check out our Grim Reaper shells as well. Need a odd number to finish filling those tubes in your rack and just need a few? Raging Bull 6 pack will get the job done and WOW your crowd!
Brought to by Shock Wave fireworks Brand "Feel the Shock Wave with each break. Keep away from windows ;)"
SW-3004 These Super Saiyan 60 gram Canister shells are over 9000 in quality. Inside this package, you will receive 24 shells of the highest quality sporting beautiful colors with 24 different effects. Each effect was picked for its great performance with massive spread across the sky and vibrant colors. Grab these incredible 4in Super Saiyan shells while supplies last.
1. Lemon and blue pearls
2. Orange, red, blue pearls with green strobes
3. Gold titanium willow with sky blue pistil
4. Sky blue to grass green
5. Silver titanium willow to blue pearl and red strobes
6. Purple, green, lemon, and red
7. Orange, red and green strobes
8. Gold silk chrysanthemum to blue pearl and green strobes
9. Green to red with blue pearls
10. Silver titanium willow with red plum and white strobes
11. Gold titanium willow to blue pearl and green strobes
12. Red and green peony with crackling
13. Cyanine purple pearls to yellow strobes
14. Gold brocade crown willow with crackling
15. Brocade crown to sky blue
16. Cyanine pink peony
17. Grass green with pink pearls
18. Neon orange white strobes
19. Gold strobes to willow with blue pearls green strobes
20.Titanium gold leaves to blue pearl
21. Lemon and pink to blue pearls
22. Silver strobe willow with red green sky blue pearls
23. Blue leaves to red strobe
24. Violet peony
Sold out or want some extra effects to check out Excalibur shells. Only need 12 shells? Check out our Grim Reaper shells as well. Need a odd number to finish filling those tubes in your rack and just need a few? Raging Bull 6 pack will get the job done and WOW your crowd!
Brought to by Shock Wave fireworks Brand "Feel the Shock Wave with each break. Keep away from windows ;)"
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